I've never experienced a more cold, callous and condescending city spokesperson than City of Akron, Ohio - Mayor's Office Ellen Lander Nischt.
A Silver Lake employee found a $4.4 million sewer billing error that was the fault of Akron city. Silver Lake, rightfully, wants Akron to pay for the 220 hours it took them to find Akron's mistake.
Akron "city spokesperson Ellen Lander Nischt said the city does acknowledge there was a clerical error, but added Housley's job involves ensuring the village pays "the appropriate funds for amounts owed."
"Occasionally, as was the case here, that job may include detecting and resolving clerical errors," she said. "Akron did not request, authorize, review, receive or approve any work completed by Silver Lake."
A Silver Lake employee found a $4.4 million sewer billing error that was the fault of Akron city. Silver Lake, rightfully, wants Akron to pay for the 220 hours it took them to find Akron's mistake.
Akron "city spokesperson Ellen Lander Nischt said the city does acknowledge there was a clerical error, but added Housley's job involves ensuring the village pays "the appropriate funds for amounts owed."
"Occasionally, as was the case here, that job may include detecting and resolving clerical errors," she said. "Akron did not request, authorize, review, receive or approve any work completed by Silver Lake."